What is a PIP?
PIP stands for Prominent Influential Person and is defined by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) as an individual who is or has been entrusted with a prominent public function, including persons who previously occupied prominent public positions but have since vacated such positions or functions. The treatment of PIPs and their family members* and/or known close associates* is regulated by law.
Examples of PIPs
- Head of state, head of government, minister and deputy, assistant minister, senior politician, or senior government official prominent public positions but have since vacated suchpositions or functions.
- Member of parliament or of similar legislative bodies.
- Member of the governing bodies of political parties
- Significant or important political party official
- Member of local authority councils and members of regional councils
- Senior Management, executives, and board members of public-owned enterprises
- Judicial officers
- Ambassadors and high-ranking officers in the armed forces
- Members of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of public-owned enterprises
- Traditional leaders as defined in Section 1 of the Traditional Authorities Act 2000
- Religious leaders
- Senior executives of private entities where the private entities are of such turnover as maybe prescribed
- Senior executives of international organisations operating in Namibia
Family Members
Family members are individuals who are related to a PIP either directly or through marriage or similar (civil) forms of partnership. Family members of a PIP include the following: (a) a spouse or partner of the PIP. Spouse means by civil or customary marriage concluded in Namibia or elsewhere. On the other hand, ‘partner’ means by civil partnership in Namibia or elsewhere, or in a cohabitating relationship; (b) children of the PIP and their spouses or partners. ‘Children’ means both biological and lawfully adopted sons and daughters, or stepsons and
stepdaughters (of any age); and (c) parents of the PIP. ‘Parent’ means the biological or adoptive mother or father, stepfather or stepmother.
Close Associates
Close associates are individuals who are closely connected to a PIP, either socially or professionally and may include (a) individuals known
to have any close business relationship with a PIP, such as the PIP’s business partners or the (b) owners and/or beneficial owners of a legal person or legal arrangement which is associated with a PIP and (c) known close friends of the PIP.